
Cancellation policy

Right of cancellation
You can revoke your contractual declaration in writing (e.g. letter, email) within 14 days without stating grounds or - if the product is provided to you before expiry of the deadline - by returning the product. The deadline begins upon receipt of this statement in writing, not however before receipt of the product by the recipient (upon repeat delivery of same products not before receipt of the first partial delivery), and also not before fulfillment of our obligations to provide information according to Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Para. 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the Civil Code) and our obligations according to § 312g Para. 1(1) BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB. Sending the cancellation or returning the product qualifies as adherence to the cancellation deadline. Cancellations shall be addressed to:

JPP Medien GmbH
Homburger Straße 22
50969 Köln

Consequences of cancellation
In the event of an effective cancellation, the mutually received performances shall be reimbursed, where applicable including incurred benefits (e.g. interest). Insofar as you are unable or only partially able to return or hand over the performance and benefits (e.g. benefits of use) received or only in an impaired condition, you are obliged to reimburse the value to us. You are only liable for reimbursing the impairment of the product and the benefits received insofar as the benefits or the impairment are a result of the handling of the product,  which extends beyond the inspection of the properties and the functioning. “Inspection of the properties and the functioning” denotes the testing and trial of the respective product, as is possible and standard in a physical shop. Shippable products shall be returned at our risk. You are liable for the regular costs of the return if the delivered product equates to the ordered product and if the price of the product to be returned does not exceed 40 Euro or, in the event of a higher product price, you have not yet fulfilled your counterperformance or a contractually agreed partial performance. Otherwise, you are not liable for return shipping costs. Non-shippable products shall be collected from your address. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The deadline begins for you upon the sending of your declaration of cancellation or the product, and for us upon its receipt.

End of cancellation policy